Escuela Infantil 2 Años Gratuita ABIERTO PLAZO DE PRESENTACIÓN DE SOLICITUDES 2023 - 2024

let’s do some homework… online! :) FOR PUPILS IN 4º B

Here we have  two videos … watch them and try to answer the questions in your notebook, remember to answer them properly and of course… in English!

leave a comment so I can check you have watched the video…. and of course… enjoy! 🙂

Aquí tenemos dos vídeos de películas que están ahora mismo en el cine… tienes que verlos tranquilamente y contestar las preguntas en tu cuaderno, recuerda contestarlas adecuadamente y por supuesto chicos…. en inglés!

Deja un comentario para que compruebe que las habéis visto y como siempre…. DISFRUTAD! 🙂


1- Do you think Arlo is very brave? why?

2- How many kinds of Dinosaurs can you see during the video?

3- What does the word «fall» mean?

4- Can you compare Arlo with his new friends?

5- would you like to watch the film? why?

here we have another film which will be in cinemas next Christmas!


1- is it a normal family? why?

2-what kind of monster is the child?

3- what’s the problem with his teeth?

4- what kind of monsters can you see in the video?

5- is the child a very scary monster? why?

6- would you like to watch this film? why?

Have a nice BANK HOLIDAY!